
对于2023年第一完成单位为中国机构、发表在细胞出版社旗下期刊的2000多篇论文,经细胞出版社编辑部提名、第三方专家委员会的独立评审,并综合论文下载量、引用量和领域内突破性等权衡标准,最终评选出生命科学领域、物质科学领域、医学领域、交叉学科领域和可持续发展四个领域的“细胞出版社2023中国年度论文”共40篇。另经网友投票,评出“细胞出版社2023年度最受欢迎中国论文”共25 篇(每个领域5篇)。此外,为支持实现性别平等和增强所有女性的权能,细胞出版社特别设立的Women in Science奖项,今年评选出两位在科研界孜孜不倦并做出卓越贡献的女性科学家。
这些成绩离不开中国对科学方面的有力支持。根据10月发布的《全国科技经费投入统计公报》,2023年中国研究与发展经费投入稳定增长,基础研究、应用研究和试验发展经费分别为2259.1亿元、3661.5亿元和27436.5亿元,分别比上年增长11.6%、5.1%和8.5%。同时,中国Ramp;D经费投入强度超过全国平均水平的省(市)有7个,其中北京(6.73%)、上海(4.34%)、广东(3.54%)、江苏(3.29%)、浙江(3.20%)5省(市)均在此次发文量地域TOP 10的名单内,从侧面反映了国家经费投入对研究成果产出的积极影响。
《细胞》在2024年还推出一系列特别内容,从细胞生物学开始,重点介绍一系列新的和成熟的研究主题。并与生命科学、医学、应用科学和物质科学等领域的姊妹期刊,在内容、倡议和活动方面达成了诸多合作。正如该刊主编John Pham在50周年纪念社论中所说:“可以预见的是,科学研究将继续发生变化,有时甚至是变革,且其方式是今时今日的我们所难以想象的……Cell将继续分享各种声音、观点和视角,帮助解决这些问题。我们将找到创新方法,利用我们的平台架起沟通和联系的桥梁。”(冯丽妃)
1. Antagonistic RALF peptides control an intergeneric hybridization barrier on Brassicaceae stigmasCell瞿礼嘉
2. Epithelial cells activate fibroblasts to promote esophageal cancer developmentCancer Cell吴晨
3. Exhaustion-associated cholesterol deficiency dampens the cytotoxic arm of antitumor immunityCancer Cell许琛琦
4. Ferroptosis heterogeneity in triple-negative breast cancer reveals an innovative immunotherapy combination strategyCell Metabolism邵志敏
5. Hepatic soluble epoxide hydrolase activity regulates cerebral Aβ metabolism and the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease in miceNeuron朱心红
6. Live birth of chimeric monkey with high contribution from embryonic stem cellsCell刘真
7. Microglial Piezo1 senses Aβ fibril stiffness to restrict Alzheimer’s diseaseNeuron莫玮
8. Neural mechanism underlying depressive-like state associated with social status lossCell胡海岚
9. NF-κB activation enhances STING signaling by altering microtubule-mediated STING traffickingCell Reports张从刚
10. Prolonged sleep deprivation induces a cytokine-storm-like syndrome in mammalsCell张二荃
1. A general approach to high-entropy metallic nanowire electrocatalystsMatter郭少军
2. Completely stereospecific synthesis of a molecular cinquefoil knotChem张亮(华东师范大学)
3. Dual single-atom catalyst design to build robust oxygen reduction electrode via free radical scavengingChem Catalysis邢巍
4. Eliminating over-oxidation of ruthenium oxides by niobium for highly stable electrocatalytic oxygen evolution in acidic mediaJoule孙晓明
5. Enhancing the electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide to multi-carbon products on copper nanosheet arrays via cation-catalyst interactionCRPS范战西
6. High-strength and ultra-tough whole spider silk fibers spun from transgenic silkwormsMatter孟清
7. Modular photoredox system with extreme reduction potentials based on pyridine catalysisChem焦雷
8. Passive thermal management of electronic devices using sorption-based evaporative coolingDevice王如竹
9. Scalable and durable Janus thermal cloak for all-season passive thermal regulationDevice崔可航
10. Unlocking cycling longevity in micro-sized conversion-type FeS2 cathodesJoule李泓
1. Determining a multimodal aging clock in a cohort of Chinese womenMed刘光慧
2. Genetic subtype-guided immunochemotherapy in diffuse large B cell lymphoma: The randomized GUIDANCE-01 trialCancer Cell赵维莅
3. Orbitofrontal cortex-hippocampus potentiation mediates relief for depression: A randomized double-blind trial and TMS-EEG studyCell Reports Medicine袁逖飞)
4. Rapid increasing burden of diabetes and cardiovascular disease caused by high body mass index in 1.25 million Chinese adults, 2005–2018Med王增武
5. Tislelizumab plus chemotherapy as first-line treatment for recurrent or metastatic nasopharyngeal cancer: A multicenter phase 3 trial Cancer Cell张力(中山大学)
1. A hybrid deep forest-based method for predicting synergistic drug combinationsCell Reports Methods伯晓晨
2. A robust protein-mimicking metallo-amine cage showing proton-driven allostery with water as the effectorChem苏成勇
3. Adaptive evolution of the enigmatic Takakia now facing climate change in TibetCell何奕騉
4. Biodegrading plastics with a synthetic non-biodegradable enzymeChem姜文君
5. BrainCog: A Spiking Neural Network based Brain-inspired Cognitive Intelligence Engine for Brain-inspired AI and Brain SimulationPatterns曾毅
6. Highly sensitive and extremely durable wearable e-textiles of graphene/carbon nanotube hybrid for cardiorespiratory monitoringiScience赵仲
7. Integrated wearable smart sensor system for real-time multi-parameter respiration health monitoringCRPS刘超然
8. Learning protein fitness landscapes with deep mutational scanning data from multiple sourcesCell Systems郑明月
9. Plasma metabolic fingerprints for large-scale screening and personalized risk stratification of metabolic syndromeCell Reports Medicine卜军
10. Steering phase-separated droplets to control fibrillar network evolution of supramolecular peptide hydrogelsMatter闫学海
1. A synergistic approach to air pollution control and carbon neutrality in China can avoid millions of premature deaths annually by 2060One Earth张强
2. An updated global mercury budget from a coupled atmosphere-land-ocean model: 40% more re-emissions buffer the effect of primary emission reductionsOne Earth张彦旭
3. Extreme salt-resisting multistage solar distillation with thermohaline convectionJoule徐震原
4. Global warming may significantly increase childhood anemia burden in sub-Saharan AfricaOne Earth阚海东
5. Robust strategies to end global poverty and reduce environmental pressuresOne Earth郭钊侠
Women in Science获奖名单
陈玲玲 中国科学院分子细胞科学卓越创新中心
于吉红 吉林大学